Painting with Watercolor For Beginners-Step By Step Guide to Painting-Learn to Draw Series

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Painting Landscapes with Watercolor

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Watercolor is a good medium for Painting Landscapes and Buildings, because of its unique effects that
it create to any composition of an artist compared to other media, even with simple drawing when
painted with Watercolor can give everyone a different expression somewhat “Dream Like”, you can
even create a masterpiece with a simple setup and even other artists enjoy doing outdoor Watercolor
painting as they are inspired to paint as if they are at peace with the whole universe and there soul is
commune with the Source.
I want to thank you for Picking up this eBook and you won’t regret it, as I know you are eager to Paint
you’re beautiful Landscapes and Buildings, so as you read the eBook and familiarize yourself with the
tools we will be using. Understand the colors, since we have to learn the basics and its nature so that we
can mix different kinds of colors and in no time by just looking to an object you will know what color
to use and that’s not impossible. That’s not all, you will also learn from this eBook how to use your
brush properly, some essential techniques which will make your work incredible, and the exercises that
I’m sure you would love it. So invest some time and dedication to learn and gain painting skill, let’s
start this journey and don’t forget... “Have Fun”.


Painting Ginny and Harry in Watercolor

Because she filled Harry’s world with love, let’s include Ginny as a subject in our painting. This
couple is a good subject, and we will be including the big pink heart at the back, as it signifies pure
love. So let’s begin.

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Transfer the image below to your Watercolor paper, and use HB or 4H pencil. You just need to draw
and map the details.

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1. After you draw your outline on the watercolor paper, wet the front and the back with a big Flat

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2. Paint the heart shape on the background, with a lighter Pink color (add 25-30 drops of water to the

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3. Next is to paint the area outside the heart (exclude the subjects), with Lightest Gray color = to
tone the area.

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4. Wash your brush and paint another layer of pink on the heart shape.

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5. Paint the flesh with the first flesh tone using Medium Naples Yellow

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6. Paint the darker tone of the flesh with Lighter Orange = for Ginny’s face, the shadow of the
shoulder and on the hand, while Harry’s face will be painted with Pink color.

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7. Paint the subjects hair with Medium Yellow (20 drops of water) = .

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8. Paint Ginny’s dress with Medium Gray = .

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9. For Harry, paint his collar and sleeve with Lighter Ultramarine Blue = .

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- And Burnt Sienna = for the coat, and add another layer on the area near Ginny’s hand.

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10. Now, let’s define and add more colors to Harry’s hair, using Yellow Ochre to color the side. This
will be the color of the hair highlights.

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- Next, paint the rest of the hair with Burnt Sienna.

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- Then paint Burnt Umber over it.

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11. For Ginny: Add another layer of Medium Yellow on the hair, and shade a Burnt Sienna on the
darker area of the hair: on the back and some on the sides.

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- Paint the top area with Medium Yellow Ochre and add some shades horizontally with Lighter Burnt
Sienna, thinly, to define the hair strands.

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- Do the same on the rest of the hair.

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12. Add detail on the lace of Ginny’s dress with Black watercolor pencil.

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13. Define more on Ginny’s hair with vertical strokes with Burnt Umber color.

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14. Make Ginny’s face vibrant by shading it with Orange watercolor Pencil.

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15. Getting back to Harry, as the hair area is surely dry now, with a Gold watercolor pencil give thin
hair strokes on the area with highlights. Do the same with a Burnt Umber watercolor pencil on the top,
side, and below the head area. Make sure to apply them again with Gold pencil to add another layer of
this shade.

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16. Apply a Dark Medium Ultramarine Blue on the folds of the sleeve of Harry, and paint the coat with
a mixture of Dark Burnt Umber and Black.

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17. Now add highlights on the coat with White color, and apply another dark layer of color on the coat.
Check your work, and if you need to add another layer of color to match the value, do so. Shade a
stroke of Orange watercolor pencil on Ginny’s hair on the areas as you see below. When you’re done,
you can hang it on your wall for inspiration, and give yourself a pat on the back.

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Learn more tips and technique in "Painting with Watercolor for beginners-Step by step Guide to Painting"

You can download the complete copy of this book.

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