Table of Contents
Introduction: Drawing a Bat
Drawing tools
Drawing Software
Drawing a Bat in Flight
Vampire Bat
Ghost-Faced Bat
Drawing a Bat at Rest/Hanging
Flying Fox Bat
Drawing a Crawling Bat
Spotted Bat
Drawing Bat Heads
Pocket Free-Tailed Bats
Sword-Nosed Bat
Introduction: Drawing a Bat
When learning to draw, the first skill one needs to develop is knowing how to follow through the contour planes or dimensions of any basic shape, in order to effectively portray the subject. Observe how the lines travel across the body of the figure and how the depiction of fur (in the case of learning how to draw bats) follows the dimension. How you apply the shade also matters when you want to portray texture. It is also important to know the basic parts of your subject (here a bat) to identify if there is anything missing in your drawing.
The steps in these drawing tutorials are made in a way that can be applied whether you are to draw traditionally or digitally, by starting with a basic shape to create a base, up to elaborating the details.
Introduction: Drawing a Bat
Drawing tools
Drawing Software
Drawing a Bat in Flight
Vampire Bat
Ghost-Faced Bat
Drawing a Bat at Rest/Hanging
Flying Fox Bat
Drawing a Crawling Bat
Spotted Bat
Drawing Bat Heads
Pocket Free-Tailed Bats
Sword-Nosed Bat
Introduction: Drawing a Bat
When learning to draw, the first skill one needs to develop is knowing how to follow through the contour planes or dimensions of any basic shape, in order to effectively portray the subject. Observe how the lines travel across the body of the figure and how the depiction of fur (in the case of learning how to draw bats) follows the dimension. How you apply the shade also matters when you want to portray texture. It is also important to know the basic parts of your subject (here a bat) to identify if there is anything missing in your drawing.
The steps in these drawing tutorials are made in a way that can be applied whether you are to draw traditionally or digitally, by starting with a basic shape to create a base, up to elaborating the details.