Table of Contents Introduction Understanding Stress Causes of Stress Different Types of Stress Young Adults: The Most Stressed-Out Age Group Serious hhealth consequences due to avoidance of treating stress Techniques of Managing and Reducing Stress How Coloring Helps Combat Adult Stress Conclusion Adult Coloring Book - Bird Patterns Author Bio Publisher Introduction I want to express gratitude to you for downloading the book titled, “ADULT STRESS AND EFFECTS OF COLORING.” This book contains proven strategies and steps that will ensure you are well equipped with the right knowledge and skills on how to reduce and manage stress effectively. You don’t have to allow stress to consume every bit of you because there is help within arm’s reach. You are not fighting this battle alone, almost everyone experiences some level of stress every once in a while in life and this has allowed for the opportunity to find solutions to the problem and therefore whether you suffer from mild or chronic stress there is an assurance of you getting better and all that is required from you is commitment and dedication towards smoothening your path to recovery. Your bills will never stop coming, you will never have more hours in a day, your career and family will always be demanding, and so the only change you can make is to learn how to handle your levels of stress because if you don’t the situation will end up being tragic. All the things that you are required to do have been well explained to you and the fact that you are reading this book is proof enough that you are willing to make your life better. All you need to do is to understand that you have the power within you to make a difference by ensuring you are able to reduce stress in one of the best possible ways to do so, that is through embracing coloring. The realization that you have the ability to put your life in control is always a stepping stone towards making every aspect of it better. All it requires is for you to take charge of your thoughts, emotions, and the way you react to life’s difficulties. Stress management and reduction always begins with you identifying the sources of stress in your life. By dealing with stress you improve your health and general well being. Stress is always a normal and healthy reaction to change or challenges but when it goes on for more than a few weeks it will affect your health and the earlier you deal with it the better. Every chapter of this book will ensure that it answers all your questions in relation to stress management and diminution. It will help you to get a deeper understanding of what stress is, whilst giving you the best techniques that will help you to deal with it once and for all. There is more to every chapter as you will be enlightened on why and how stress occurs, its signs and symptoms, and much more. It has been made an interesting and easy read for you and you are assured that you will fully benefit from the knowledge of its content.